Virtual Healthcare Conference

With the impact of a global pandemic, rise in remote working and peoples mobility severley reduced, we engaged with our client to move their traditional physical conference to a virtual platform.

Registered Attendees
World Leading

From an idea to (virtual) reality

The timeframe for the project was severely compressed, with an immediate need to open registration and to secure speakers for the event.

All aspects of the conference required our development, from the logo, look and feel to the design and development of the platform.

In under 6-weeks, we had taken our idea and launched the National Thrombosis Week conference platform.

The conference was aimed at healthcare professionals and patients within the UK with an interest in Thrombosis and supporting factors.

By creating a series of marketing images to support a social media campaign, we drove engagement to have over 1,800 registered attendees across 5 continents.

The bespoke website allowed distinct clean entry points, signposting attendees to specific areas such as virtual exhibitor booths where exclusive content could be watched and/or downloaded.

User engagement was a key part of the platform, with multiple ways for attendees and exhibitors to interact and connect with each other.

We worked in conjunction with the exhibitors to tailor their booths with their respective promotional/educational content and to control the branding to fall inline with their corporate identity and ultimately pass all areas of compliance.

Running over 8 days, all sessions were live streamed and recorded. We then edited the sessions, branded them accordingly and made these available within 24hours of the original broadcast time.

Short video snippets/graphics were created to allow subsequent promotion via the clients social media channels and email marketing solution.

Sessions were also made available from the clients YouTube channel providing a post event archive. These sessions were also integrated within the clients website, providing another touch point for user who could not attend the event.